Betty Bogardus posted on February 04, 2013 15:34
Adding/Editing New Client:
- First/MI/Last Name – Can you add a box for Suffix (ex., Jr., Sr., III) If so, how will that affect sorting for reports and searching?
- When adding a new client, will their client ID # be assigned automatically by the software?
- Date of Birth - There is no place to note whether date of birth is verified or not.
- There is no field to enter Report Zip that we currently track.
- What is the ID Card field?
Additional Family Members Tab:
- First Name/Last Name – can you add a box for middle initial and one for Suffix?
- Date of Birth - There is no place to note whether date of birth is verified or not on each additional family member.
- If Relationship drop down box does not contain an entry value that is needed, how do we get that entered into the drop down field? Ex., currently there are only drop down choices for Spouse and Child so other categories such as Mother, Father, Grandchild, etc. need to be added. Is it something only the Webmaster can do?
- There is no field on this or any other screen to either enter the number of bags of food allowed for a client or to have the software automatically calculate it based on # in household and our guidelines
Income & Expense Tab:
- In the drop down boxes for Income and Expense, additional categories need to be entered in the drop down fields. Is this something only the Webmaster can do?
- I see the places to record income by category and expense by category, but there is no place to check off Employed, WIC, Mass Health, HeadStart, Fuel Assistance. Are we still tracking this information?
- Currently there is no way to search on client ID #. I assume this feature will be added.
- Currently there is no way to search on spouse’s last name – when you do, it yields no results. Often a spouse comes in for food instead of the client. Will this be an enhancement?
- When you use the search feature, and enter a last name, it brings you to a page with the names matching the search. Please add a Return to Front Desk button on this screen. For example, if none of the names on this screen are the client you are looking for, there is no way to get back to the Front Desk.
Data Captured at Top of Each Client’s Screen (Quick View):
- Having # of Bags the client is allowed reported at the top of each page would be helpful.
- Having client’s date of birth listed at the top of each page in addition to their age would be helpful.
- Is there an Undo feature to use if you make an entry error?
- Is there a way to delete or add a row in client visits?
REPLY - 02/05/2013
Thank you for your comments Betty.
All of the items you bring up can certainly be addressed . . . .
RE: Adding/Editing New Client:
- Add Suffix – will add . . . will have no effect on searching as it’s a separate field
- Client ID is auto assigned and not shown to users. It could be shown but I thought we would leverage the ID Card field . . . On the import I was going to populate that field with the clients OLD id #. Was planning to incorporate some sort id ID Card feature . . . To keep it inexpensive I was going to do a bar code creation feature that you could print on a Dymo labeler and stick to a business card maybe? We could order preprinted cards or key chains, but that get expensive. We need some discovery on this first.
- DOB – will add verified checkbox
- Report Zip – when I get to reporting module I’ll manage this by adding another table that will group the villages by town
RE: Additional Family Members Tab:
- Will add Middle Initial, Suffix and verified checkbox for DOB
- All the dropdown can be managed by site administrators in the core Lists module of DotNetNuke. See screen shot below . . .
- Re number of bags of food allowed for a client – I asked the same question already and Patty sent me a Word doc for their “formula”. Do you do exactly the same?
RE: Income & Expense Tab
- All the dropdown can be managed by site administrators
- I’ll add a mechanism for Employed, WIC, Mass Health, HeadStart, Fuel Assistance checkboxes . . . . You will be able to add ANY Yes/No field using the DNN core lists (See screen shot below . . .)
RE: Search
- Search on client ID # will be added
- Search on any Additional family member can be added
- The search page is currently returning ALL records in the database. That will be turned off once I’ve imported all your records . . . also, at this time, the Client Id Card search field is not yet working.
RE: Quick View
- I agree! Having # of bags would be great. Let me know how it’s calculated
- I’ll add client DOB
RE: General
- No undo feature available. What kind of error are you thinking of?
- No delete enabled . . . it could be added, but do you really want to let users do that? If they have made a mistake they can set the # of bags to zero and record a note of the error.